
Showing posts from April, 2024

Heart Felt

 How to say thank you!? How to express how grateful I am for the generosity and support?  I do not have any real ambition to become famous or rich. I don’t want huge luxuries.  Your kindness in sharing, reading, liking and purchasing my posts, blogs and creations is helping me feel like maybe I can do this. Maybe I can be a creative person with a normal job that pays bills but someone who can also afford to step away from toxicity and earn a little extra via something joyful!!  I love every single person who has helped. You have no idea the impact this has had on me already. I feel lighter than I have in YEARS! THANK YOU 

A new obsession

It started, as things often do, with a Christmas gift.  I purchased a needle felt kit for my niece.  And immediately had gift envy.  But, I’m not one for spending money on myself really so I sought out a cheaper alternative to the pre-packed gift kits. Pinterest is my go to resource for all things creative and I soon found a list of basic requirements (I’ve added useful pins & links to the bottom of this blog!).  My ADHD means that I’m generally dreadful at following instructions that are longer than 3 bullet points so, as usual, I freestyled it with great aplomb! Initially I chose to work on 3D felt objects. My first project was a Christmas pudding ornament.     At the time I was ridiculously proud of it and, as any proud child would, I gave this special item to my mummy. She dutifully told me it was beautiful, thanked me with the enthusiasm that only a mother can muster & hung it at the back of the Xmas tree!  In hindsight I now know that this pudding will be a fuzzy mess by